Alterations in the Rumen liquid, Particle and Epithelium associated microbiota of dairy cows during the transtion from a silage and concentrate based ration to pasture in spring
Published on 02/05/2017
The transition from indoors to outdoors is a stressful period for dairy cows. The diet changes occurring during this time cause a dysbiosis of the rumen microbiotaGlossaryView allMicrobiota
A microbiota is the whole of the ecosystem (bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses) living in a specific environment. Intestinal microbiota was previously called “intestinal flora.”. Rumen microbiota plays a key role in adaption to a new ration. The hypothesis is that the effects of a transition from a TMR to a pasture-based ration would also be mirrored in the different rumen archaea and bacteria communities. This study investigated how the archaea and bacteria communities are affected by the ration change.