Metatranscriptomics reveals the rumen microbial fybrolitic communities
Published on 31/01/2017
Title: Metatranscriptomics Reveals the Active Bacterial and Eukaryotic FibrolyticGlossaryView allFibrolyticGlossaryView allFibrolyticGlossaryView allFibrolytic
Capacity to hydrolyze fibers.
Capacity to hydrolyze fibers.
Capacity to hydrolyze fibers. Communities in the Rumen of Dairy Cow Fed a Mixed Diet
A metatranscriptomics study of dairy cow rumen microbiotaGlossaryView allMicrobiotaGlossaryView allMicrobiotaGlossaryView allMicrobiotaGlossaryView allMicrobiota
A microbiota is the whole of the ecosystem (bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses) living in a specific environment. Intestinal microbiota was previously called “intestinal flora.”
A microbiota is the whole of the ecosystem (bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses) living in a specific environment. Intestinal microbiota was previously called “intestinal flora.”
A microbiota is the whole of the ecosystem (bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses) living in a specific environment. Intestinal microbiota was previously called “intestinal flora.”
A microbiota is the whole of the ecosystem (bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses) living in a specific environment. Intestinal microbiota was previously called “intestinal flora.” looked at both the expression of genes encoding fiber degrading enzymes (carbohydrate-active enzymes, or CAZymes) and the microbial populations. This study reveals that the key contribution of fungi and ciliate protozoa to polysaccharideGlossaryView allPolysaccharidesGlossaryView allPolysaccharidesGlossaryView allPolysaccharidesGlossaryView allPolysaccharides
Succession of several sugars molecules.
Succession of several sugars molecules.
Succession of several sugars molecules.
Succession of several sugars molecules. degradation was under estimated until now. It also confirmed the pivotal role of the previously characterized fibrolyticGlossaryView allFibrolytic
Capacity to hydrolyze fibers. bacterial species Prevotella, Ruminocccus and Fibrobacter. The study identified 12,237 CAZymes, which accounts for 1% of the total RNA transcripts.