By P. Pourazad, R. Khiaosa-ard, M. Qumar, S. U. Wetzels, F. Klevenhusen, B. U. Metzler-Zebeli, Q. Zebeli
Rumen health is affected by what is fed — and also how its fed. This study shows the relationship between patterns of concentrate-rich feeding and the severity of Sub Acute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) and rumen VFAs profiles.
By P. Pourazad, R. Khiaosa-ard, M. Qumar, S. U. Wetzels, F. Klevenhusen, B. U. Metzler-Zebeli, Q. Zebeli
An interesting study looking at the effect of feeding pattern on subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) severity and rumen VFA concentrations in dairy cows.
By A.D. Sova, S.J. LeBlanc, B.W. McBride, T.J. DeVries
A study that demonstrates the importance of feeding management for lactating dairy cows.
By M. Krämer-Schmid, P. Lund, M.R. Weisbjerg
A + 0.01 increase in the coefficient of maize silage NDF digestibility improved daily milk yield...