By P. Pourazad, R. Khiaosa-ard, M. Qumar, S. U. Wetzels, F. Klevenhusen, B. U. Metzler-Zebeli, Q. Zebeli
Rumen health is affected by what is fed — and also how its fed. This study shows the relationship between patterns of concentrate-rich feeding and the severity of Sub Acute Ruminal Acidosis (SARA) and rumen VFAs profiles.
By Jan C. Plaizier, Shucong Li, Anne Mette Danscher, Hooman Derakshani, Pia H. Andersen, Ehsan Khafipour
A study showing how a grain-based diet-induced subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) challenge impacts the rumen microbiota of lactating dairy cows. The richness, the diversity, as well as the stability of the bacterial communities were reduced for SARA challenged cows. Both ruminal and fecal microbiota were changed, indicating that the rumen but also the hindgut microbiota are affected by SARA challenge.
By P. Pourazad, R. Khiaosa-ard, M. Qumar, S. U. Wetzels, F. Klevenhusen, B. U. Metzler-Zebeli, Q. Zebeli
An interesting study looking at the effect of feeding pattern on subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) severity and rumen VFA concentrations in dairy cows.
By B. Stefanska, W. Człapa, E. Pruszynska-Oszmałek, D. Szczepankiewicz, V. Fievez, J. Komisarek, K. Stajek, W. Nowak
Subacute ruminal acidosis affects fermentation and endotoxin concentration in the rumen and relative expression of the CD14/TLR4/MD2 genes involved in lipopolysaccharide systemic immune response in dairy cows
By E.K. Miller-Cushon, T.J. DeVries
Feeding management factors have great potential to influence activity patterns and feeding behavior of dairy cows.
By A.D. Sova, S.J. LeBlanc, B.W. McBride, T.J. DeVries
A study that demonstrates the importance of feeding management for lactating dairy cows.
By S.M Nasrollahia, A. Zalia, G.R Ghorbanib, M. Moradi Shahrbabaka, M.Heydari Soltan Abadib
High-producing, mid-lactation dairy cows are not equally susceptible to sub acture ruminal acidosis (SARA) fed a high-grain diet.
By Vivek Joshi, U. Dimri, A. Gopalakrishnan, Y. Ajith, S. Alam, V.K. Gupta, R. Raguvaran
Rumen acidosis negatively affects inflammatory and oxidative stress parameters in dairy goats.
By S. Ammer, C. Lambertz, M. Gauly
This study confirms that, even in moderate climates, dairy cows are exposed to heat stress.
By T. Hall
It’s impossible to assess the rumen pH of a dairy cow just by looking at her.